breathe exercise

Feeling the Energy Body Part II: The Breath

This is the second part of a series called "Feeling Your Energy Body."

GEN exercises go through a unique process of sensitizing and activating the human energy system for better health, and for participation on the worldwide telepathic web. This short video will take you through the second step to sensitize your awareness of your energy body. It involves breathing in a quiet, smooth way, and drawing breath in and out through the back of your nasal passages.

The information in the video can provide many benefits:

  1. It is a tool for personal health & relaxation
  2. It can enhance meditative practices you may already do
  3. It can be used as a step to expand into GEN activities if you choose

You can enjoy the video while sitting wherever you are, even watching or doing other things as you try it out. Or you can sit quietly near your phone or computer, close your eyes, and go into it more deeply.

Breathing in this way, even for just a few breaths, is good for health and relaxation, because it has an immediate affect on the central nervous system. It goes into more 'rest and regeneration' activities rather than 'flight and fight' mode. This promotes relaxation, awareness, and an expansion of frequencies.

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