thoughts create reality

Thoughts Create Reality (especially at certain frequencies!)

What can telepathy bring to your life?  Isn't it mind control?  And isn't it just a psychic gimmick that can disrupt your privacy?  

Telepathy is an evolving form of communication that can actually bring much more ease to your life right now.  Many people are overwhelmed by the amount of information exchange occurring in the form of phone, email, and social media.  These technologies are precursors to our biological capabilities, but they can be quite disruptive to our  physiology.  Using the body to exchange information directly increases health rather than deteriorating our nervous system, and can save time, money, and energy.

Telepathy also puts the reins of monitoring your privacy into your own hands.  You no longer need to worry about government agencies or computer hackers invading your digital space without having any control over it, because YOU will be regulating your activity on the web directly through your own body.


Exchanging information on the Global Enlightenment Network occurs with less friction that our current communication networks.  It operates at a higher frequency range, and the information can move more easily through the fabric of time-space.  Which brings up another subject:  in-formation.  Your thoughts can be coordinated to co-create harmonic thoughtscapes.

'Thoughts create reality' becomes much more true when your cranial system is activated, balanced, and consciously directed.  Your nervous system becomes the driver of a bio-holo-genic, neuro-digital creation process that has the power to transform our thoughtscape, and then our manifested biological reality, into a harmonic realm based on love rather than fear.

Your Cranium is Moving

Did you know that your cranium is not just a static vault of bone around your brain?  It is composed of 28 different bones, almost all of which are joined together by sutures (except the mandible, or jaw bone).  Sutures are rigid articulations that permit small amounts of movement.  The articulations of each suture can become more or less mobile depending on different stress forces in the body and the cranium.

Although the movements between the bones of the cranium are small compared to the gross movements that are obvious in many of our other joints (such as a shoulder joint or knee joint), the movements are real, significant, and just as prone to restriction and injury as any other joint in the body.  These cranial movements provide important functions for the whole system, both physically and energetically. Cranial movements can be amplified and balanced through bodywork touch therapies, such as craniosacral therapy, and also through consciousness.

Using the power of your mind and intention, you can actually bring your body into a state in which you can feel your cranial bones, notice their movements, and work with them consciously to adjust and balance the cranial system.  You may be asking, 'why the heck would I want to do that?!'  There are two main reasons why you might want to get involved in this enjoyable activity:  health benefits and telepathic exchange.  Anyone can learn how to do it, and anyone can reap the benefits.

Health Benefits:  The Recovery of Life Force

Releasing restrictions in the cranial system and increasing the motion of the cranial bones has many positive physical benefits.  By doing these exercises you will be able to recover life force that has been locked up in restrictive stress matrixes.  Learning to direct attention to the subtle motions (or lack of) in the cranial bones can help to release micro-restrictions that have been created through different kinds of stress and/or injury.

Increased motion in the cranial system also helps to release old emotional and psychological stress patterns lodged in the body’s soft tissue system.  Releasing these restrictions in the cranial system enables the recovery of trapped and unavailable life force for greater physical, emotional, and mental health.

The Cranial System & Telepathy

The activation of the cranial system enables the development of human telepathy and sonar. When the movement of the cranial bones and their attached membranes are intentionally increased through specific awareness techniques, it greatly increases the dispatch and reception of vibrational information.  

The cranial bones become a device for the transmission and reception of focused thought waves.   Just like radio transmitters and receivers can modulate the frequency of the radio waves they emit or receive in order to exchange specific frequencies of information, you can adjust the amplitude of your cranial bone movements to control the 'thought' waves that you project out into the world and that you decide to receive.  Most of us do not think of our skulls as radio stations, but they really are.  However most of our stations are broadcasting unclear and fragmented information due to the lack of mobility and awareness we have about the process.

"...Radio waves, like all light waves, have zero mass.  But the waves carry information in the form of pure energy, which also has zero mass.  The information isn't being carried on the wave like a person carrying a load.  The information is part of the wave.  Most messages are complex, but a very simple message (like "yes" or "no") could be carried by a wave at a single frequency and amplitude by simply turning the wave source on ("yes") and off ("no")."

 from the Cornell Center for Materials Research

The Global Enlightenment Network - a communications network for the 100%

The Enlightenment Network is for everyone, and everyone can learn to 'get online' and use it to enrich their life experience.  It can simplify communication, improve relationships, and expand opportunities for soul-based entertainment!  Your own body becomes the key to interacting directly with the world around you and the people you love, all while creating a world of peace.

Create Reality Effectively

Thoughts Create Reality We have all heard the adage, 'thoughts create reality.'  It has become a commonly accepted concept that many people practice half-heartedly when they remember.  Often though, people get frustrated because the results are not always satisfactory or clear.  The reason for this is that certain conditions need to be present in order for that truth to operate effectively and consciously in this dimension.

Mental activity is vibrational, more similar to an electrical current than a dense object moving through space.  Thoughts are not flying around with form immediately as you think them.  They also have a radiatory quality, tending to disperse outward from their source, transmitting information into the collective field.  In order for thoughts to manifest into concrete mass, there has to be enough force and focus behind them to bring them into condensation.



Alignment is the Key

There are many ways in which you can organize your physical body, emotions, and energy body in order to increase the power of your thoughts.  When thoughts have a relaxed physical body as their 'home base,' and one that is consciously set up to broadcast and receive information, then they will travel through the fabric of space-time with focus and strength not previously available.

You may have read and used the work of Esther and Jerry Hicks, authors of the "Law of Attraction" and "Law of Deliberate Creation" books.  They give excellent processes of working with the emotions in order to give thoughts more power.  This kind of conscious management can be extended to all layers of our 'selves.'  When this is done, the power of a thought reaches its optimum focus.

Become a Laser Beam

Like a regular light focusing into a laser beam, your thoughts gain true directive force when your system is consciously aligned to promote this activity.  Thoughts springing from the mind of an unconsciously organized person are quite different than if they are coming from someone who has consciously aligned their system for transmission.  Here is a definition of how laser light differs from ordinary light:

"Laser light is very different from the kind of light that a regular lamp gives off. Ordinary light photons are emitted without any pattern but laser light is organized in a coherent manner so that each photon follows the same course as the other, like well-trained troops marching. Additionally, ordinary light is diffused without specific direction unlike light from a laser, which is compact and directional with a tight beam. Laser light is monochromatic (all one color) because it is all one wavelength as determined by the amount of energy released."  (from the website

You can learn how to organize your own physical and energetic system in order to turn your thoughts into 'lasers' rather than regular light.  This enhances your ability to create a reality that is in alignment with your true desires, your deepest yearnings.  Instead of becoming distorted and depleted by your and others' physical, emotional, and mental stress patterns, your thoughts gain an ability to cut through these compressed matrixes that have locked human behavior in some very painful patterns for a long time.

We provides unique tools for learning how to optimize your body/mind/spirit for creating the reality you want.

It is important to learn how to activate and regulate the many layers of 'you' in order to optimize the power of your thoughts.  Enlightenment Network tools are great for your health, mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual development as well.  You can use the telepathic web ,and the tools necessary for logging onto it, for relationships, creativity, world work, political activism, entertainment..... you name it, you can probably use the Enlightenment Network for it.

The telepathic web is a higher frequency version of the internet, and it there for you to use whenever you choose to 'log on' and enjoy all it can offer you.  Learning how to consciously align the layers of your being is what will give your thoughts their optimal power.  This then allows you to begin the entertaining and healthy activity of using it to create the world in which you want to live.

So go ahead, don't just 'put your thinking cap on'..... organize it!