
Feeling the Energy Body Part III: Slow Motion Movement

This is the third part of a series called "Feeling Your Energy Body."

GEN exercises go through a unique process of sensitizing and activating the human energy system for better health, and for participation on the worldwide telepathic web. This short video will take you through the third step to sensitize your awareness of your energy body. It involves going through some simple movements in slow motion.

The information in the video can provide many benefits:

  1. It is a tool for personal health & relaxation
  2. It can enhance meditative practices you may already do
  3. It can be used as a step to expand into GEN activities if you choose


    Moving in slow motion stimulates activity of the body’s proprioceptive system. This is the part of our nervous system that monitors and maintains alignment. It also detects motion within the body and outside the body.

    By linking our consciousness to proprioceptive activity, we become aware of a whole dimension that we were not aware of before. We notice sensations that formerly did not register in the conscious mind. It is through the proprioceptive awareness that we first detect the energy body, see auric vibrations and receive telepathic information. This eventually evolves into a proprioceptive awareness that improves the quality of daily living.

    When the proprioceptive awareness is activated in this way, proprioception can be used to create alignment in space and time not just physically, but also emotionally, mentally, psychologically, and spiritually. It becomes easier to discern the true life direction from the integrated dimension of the soul.

    We welcome your comments and questions below.

    Feeling the Energy Body Part II: The Breath

    This is the second part of a series called "Feeling Your Energy Body."

    GEN exercises go through a unique process of sensitizing and activating the human energy system for better health, and for participation on the worldwide telepathic web. This short video will take you through the second step to sensitize your awareness of your energy body. It involves breathing in a quiet, smooth way, and drawing breath in and out through the back of your nasal passages.

    The information in the video can provide many benefits:

    1. It is a tool for personal health & relaxation
    2. It can enhance meditative practices you may already do
    3. It can be used as a step to expand into GEN activities if you choose

    You can enjoy the video while sitting wherever you are, even watching or doing other things as you try it out. Or you can sit quietly near your phone or computer, close your eyes, and go into it more deeply.

    Breathing in this way, even for just a few breaths, is good for health and relaxation, because it has an immediate affect on the central nervous system. It goes into more 'rest and regeneration' activities rather than 'flight and fight' mode. This promotes relaxation, awareness, and an expansion of frequencies.

    Feel free to leave comments or questions below ~

    Feeling the Energy Body: Part I

    Here is a short exercise to begin the process of feeling your energy body.  You can use it for health and GEN activities.

    Remember when you learned to use the internet?  You had to get a computer or smartphone, learn how to get online, download a browser program and figure out how to open it up.  Then came the beginning of doing searches, finding websites, and navigating through them to get the information that you wanted.  Getting an email address and communicating in that way was another process to explore.

    Learning to use Global Enlightenment Network has a similar kind of progression.  First and foremost a participant has to prime their body so that it can be used to 'get online.'  The first steps in this process have to do with actually beginning to FEEL your body, which most of us have been trained quite deeply to actively ignore.

    Instead of using an external device such as a computer or phone to connect to the operating network, GEN only requires that you have a body, which obviously you do or you wouldn't be sitting there reading this!  There are many practices out there - yoga, different forms of meditation, tai chi, many types of exercise workouts, etc. - which work to bring people into a deeper connection with their body.

    After the first few steps, GEN exercises go into a more unique process of sensitizing and activating the human energy system.  There are some unique aspects throughout the whole process, but the beginning has many things you will recognize:  bringing attention to the body, to the breath, etc.

    The short video below will take you through the beginning steps to feel your body and your energy body.  You can enjoy it while sitting wherever you are, even watching as you go through it.  Or you can sit quietly near your phone or computer, close your eyes, and go into it more deeply.  It is good for health and relaxation, regardless if you go on to use it to connect to the GEN and participate consciously on the worldwide telepathic web.

    If you have comments or questions, please leave us feedback below.  See you on the web!  

    The Bioplasmic Body

    The bioplasmic body is a rapidly developing part of your physiology.  Listen to the short video below for more information:

    What is the Bioplasmic Body?

    Text for the video content:

    Did you know that your body doesn't stop at the border of your skin surface?  It actually extends outward into the space surrounding you.  This part of your developing physiology is called the bioplasmic body.  Other terms for it include aura, energy body, outerbody, and light body.

    The bioplasmic body consists of many layers of vibrational life force.  These layers operate as a dynamic, semi-permeable membrane that merges with, protects, and nourishes your physical form.  Even though it is not visible to most people, it has specific functions and activities.

    Until quite recently, most people did not have a very developed bioplasmic body.  That's probably why you've never heard of it before!  It is in fact the most rapidly developing part of the human physiology at this time.  Our energy system is complexifying rapidly in order to handle a movement into more expanded frequencies of activity.

    A unique characteristic of the bioplasmic body is that consciousness is a main catalyst for its development.  An awareness of its presence and a desire to utilize its capabilities stimulate an acceleration of bioplasmic complexification.  In other words, your mind becomes an active agent of your evolution!

    There are specific exercises that activate the conscious development of the bioplasmic body.  Learning these skills can make a big difference in your daily life.  You can improve your:

    • physical health & immunity
    • emotional balance
    • mental clarity
    • spiritual connections

    Plus, learning to work with this part of yourself is fun!  Earth becomes a consciousness playground - a place where you can have fulfilling, satisfying, and inspiring experiences on a regular basis.  When you learn to 'turn on' and use your body in these new ways, realms of experience open up to you that were previously not available.  You can communicate in unique ways, increase creativity & productivity, and gain new leverage to promote global peace.

    What do you think?

    Do you believe you have a bioplasmic body?  Can you feel yours?  Please leave us a comment or question below, we would love to hear from you!

    Frequency Management

    Frequency Management

    Learn to manage your frequency with unique meditative exercises by Global Enlightenment Network. Taking care of your own frequencies (energetic, emotional, mental, & physical) is the one of the best gifts you can give to yourself, your family, and the planet.


    Getting Started

    Here are a few steps you could take right now to expand your frequencies:

    1. Take a few conscious breaths while allowing your attention to come into your body.
    2. Let your focus go to the space immediately surrounding your physical body and see if you can FEEL that space.  This begins to activate your bioplasmic energy body.
    3. Imagine that this space around your physical body merges into it your physical form.  If you feel a little shiver or warmth wash through your body when you do this, then you actually initiated some physical change in the frequency of your system.

    When your body is vibrating at a more expanded frequency range, this immediately affects your physical health, emotions, and mental state. This can increase productivity, creativity, relaxation, and vitality. Anything that you do in this state will be more focused and powerful. It is worth it to take a little time and effort, because it will save you even MORE time and effort right away.

    By consciously expanding our range of vibratory frequencies, we take responsibility for what we are contributing to our world vibrationally. 


    Learning More

    If you want to learn an extended process to activate and expand your energy system, please click on the button below to download a free audio called "Energy Body Expansion".  This 30 minute guided journey will lead you through a series of unique meditative exercises for health and GEN participation.

    We welcome your comments & questions below  

    Security Against Hackers on GEN

    "Do you offer security against 'hackers' that could drain my life force when I am connected to the Global Enlightenment Network?"

    This is a common question about Global Enlightenment Network. The energetic exercises to expand your frequency range and get 'online' GEN carry the key to your protection while using the network. These exercises help you to do several things:

    1. expand your frequency range to develop awareness of subtle energies and vibrations
    2. teach you to identify the vibrational membranes of your outerbody or energy body
    3. learn to regulate the selective permeability of your membranes so that you have the ability to protect yourself from negative or draining influences
    4. identify if negative influences (or 'hackers') are present so that you can take steps to prevent problems
    5. cleanse your system of toxins or 'infection' if breaches of your membranes have occurred

    Your security becomes your responsibility when using the telepathic web. You become the front line to provide security against hackers. This can be empowering, but also a bit intimidating. Although most of us do not like the idea of putting our security in the hands of others, we also do not necessarily want to take responsibility for it ourselves!

    More Power = More Responsibility

    There is good news on this front however! In order to consciously navigate on GEN, you need to have the basic skills of outerbody activation and regulation.  These skills also provide you with the ability to protect yourself from negative influences.  But you do have to USE the tools and stay aware. Part of becoming more conscious and exerting more influence is that your responsibility level goes up. In other words, more power = more responsibility.

    The fact that someone would even ask this question means that they are already involved in learning (even unconsciously) how to operate their membranes. Regulating the openness of your vibrational body becomes second nature, similar to how you remember to close your door when you leave your home, lock your car if leaving it in a crowded place, or turn off your cell phone when you do not want to be interrupted.

    GEN is a Protected Network

    GEN itself is a protected network. One reason for that is because the Global Enlightenment Network itself is not accessible unless you are able to expand into a certain frequency band. And when someone is able to expand into that frequency band, their system is developed to a certain consciousness level that greatly decreases the tendency to do harm to another or take advantage of another.

    Once a human being is vibrating at these frequencies, they experience directly that we are all a connected field. So to do harm to 'another' at that point simply does not make sense, nor is it stimulating. There isn't separation in the same way that we feel as separate beings in our 'normal' everyday lives.

    Therefore, the capability to get online GEN is itself is a powerful filter that helps to prevent negative influences. Someone simply can not access the frequency band until they are at a certain stage of consciousness. And that level of consciousness naturally absolves someone's desire to act out of fear, anger, and violence against another being.

    Note:  If you would like some specific instruction on using GEN exercises to help clear your system of negative influences, click here to check out the audio "Psychic Protection".

    Use GEN to Make Life Easier

    The concept of a worldwide telepathic web that can bring more efficiency, accuracy, and creativity to communication is appealing, but it is a pretty out-there idea to lots of people. If you are reading this, there is a good chance you believe it is feasible.  But you may secretly think "It might work for people who meditate and do yoga all the time, but I don't think I can do it." The good news is that this is most definitely not the case.  Anyone who is interested in GEN can begin to use the network for personal and planetary healing adventures.  The only requirement is that in your heart you crave to experience a more peaceful, loving world.

    Another concern about GEN many of you have is that you simply do not have time to add one more thing to your plate.  "How much time will it take anyway?  I am already overwhelmed!" This concern about time has been one of the main forces behind us developing GEN in the first place.  This could be the key to helping RELEASE you from the overwhelm-ment.  Once you learn the basic steps to expand your energy system in order to bring your body to the frequency band of GEN, you can use it in less than a second from wherever you are.  It can bring more ease, time, and freedom to you, while also increasing your health and accomplishing soul-fulfilling work.


    GEN can make life easier

    Concerned about the crisis with ISIS?  Expand your outerbody, then stream light from your heart chakra to that region for a few moments when you are shampooing your hair in the shower and presto! you have helped the situation.  Mulling over an argument you had with your child or mate?  Follow some simple steps to adjust your energy system, and then input some new information into the vibrational matrix of the interaction.  The immediate easing of the power struggle can be startling.  Tuning your body first, before using mental energy and psychological awareness to transform a situation, is the unique factor in the GEN process.

    Instead of wasting countless moments throughout your day (and night!) worrying, streaming anger and fear, trying to mentally untangle confusion and only finding yourself more mired than before, that energy can be redirected into a network for conscious creation. You do not need to be on your computer, sitting in a quiet room for an hour, or in the physical location where you would like to make an impact.  Work on GEN when your kids are asleep, you are stuck standing in line, on hold on the phone, frustrated in a meeting.... you can use GEN anywhere, anytime.  In total privacy.